Friday, December 18, 2009

Day 1 of an Awesome Fast

Alright. So today is the first day of a fast I'm doing until Xmas Eve.
I'm so excited for this. I had to eat dinner with my dad and brother, thankfully my mom is at a Christmas party for work. I had 1/2 a bowl of soup, with 4 crackers and 1 slice of swiss. Only thing I've eaten all day and under 200 cals!! Hurray!

I'm pretty sure my parents will busy all day tomorrow redoing the bathroom, so they won't be keeping that much of an eye on me. I'm gonna try to be busy all day too, go out or something so I'm not at the house either. I told my brother that I'd take him to a movie, so that should kill like 3 hours.

I really want to do this fast right and complete it all the way through. I know I can do this. I just need to focus and not let temptation or anything of that sort get in my way. I probably could have gotten away with not eating anything tonight....I probably should've since I felt like shit afterwards anyway. But my dad made it and sat with me so I felt like I had to or else there would be questions I didn't want to answer.

So that's the day so far. I can't wait for tomorrow. I'll sleep in till 11 or so, that's about when my brother gets home, go to the 1:00 showing of Avatar, walk around the shopping center for as long as we can. Get him something to go if he gets hungry, just take our time going home.
Actually, I mentioned to my brother that I'm trying a "green fast" where I only eat fruits and veggies, and he was actually interested! I told him that I didn't need to do it but that I just wanted to see if I could do it, just for the weekend. Awesome! He actually thought it was a good idea and is thinking about trying it with me haha

Oh well, I guess that's kinda of good. At least I don't have to worry about him saying anything to my parents.

Good night, my lovelies!!! Hope you all had a good day. Keep up the hard work, we'll all be the prettiest and thinnest of all!!