Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Skinny Girl for the Summer

Started the Skinny Girl Diet today, so far so good. I slept in till almost 11 on purpose so I'd miss breakfast. Didn't anything till 1ish when my dad came down to eat lunch.
2 celery stalks (11)
1 tbsp Sabra Hummus (35)
1 tbsp Fat-Free Veggie Dip (15)
TOTAL- 61 cals out of 300 :)
So far so good. Just graduated from college Saturday so we had a huge party at my house. Which means there's lots of chips, burgers, cake, ice cream and other crap in the house that I had been grazing on for a few days. Disgusting. Also disgusting, the fact that I've been purging again almost every time I eat, no matter how much or what it is. Everyday I keep telling myself 'tomorrow, tomorrow I'll do better, I restrict and watch what I eat'. And so I keep putting off cuz I keep stuffing my face. So I'm not going to say to myself that I'll do better and what not, I'm just going to do it. So far I have which is good. I'm just going to go from hour to hour.
I can do this. mhm